Think Without Speaking

So they found Richard III's corpse recently, after 500 years resting under a parking lot in Leicester. And now they are planning a $1.5m funeral for him in Leicester Cathedral. Not bad, wonder if any of his friends or incestuous offspring will show up. And it turns out he looks pretty close to way the paintings portrayed him! Art! Huzzah! Now is the summer of our discontent! And while we're on the topic of things probably best left underground, they found water in Timmins, ON that appears to be a quadrillion years old !! What terror lurks beneath the water.. Supposedly, it can support life without the assistance of sunlight and was originally trapped between forming rocks when North America was still a sea-bed. One of the stories mentioned the water being sweet to the taste, but deadly. Not sure how they figured out how it tastes, maybe they had one of the miners try a sip or something. Current death news! Journalist Helen Thomas passed away recentl...