Thinkin' and Drinkin'

A retired policeman conducts a fast-paced class on conflict management. He shows a video of a woman driven berserk by the fact that you cannot get chicken McNuggets at breakfast time. He asks the class if they have ever had a difficult customer, and every hand goes up. Students are then urged to share their advice. (“Serve drunks quickly…”).

Your mom is right next to you!! 

Here are a few recipes for mixed drinks that I've cooked up over the years:

The Ginger Slim

1oz bourbon (Jack Daniels or Maker's Mark seem to work best)
1/2 bottle of Grace brand Ginger Beer (it's gotta be Grace, no other ginger beer packs a punch like this island brand)
1/4 of a lime
Sprig of mint
Mix in a Tom Collins glass, serve and enjoy!

The Randy Rickey 

1oz Tito's Handmade Vodka (gotta be Tito's, yo)
1/4 can of this shit that Arizona tea company makes, Mango Lime Rickey or Pop Shoppe Lime Rickey
1/4 of a lime or lemon, both work awesome
More mint
Mix in a Betty Ford Clinic bedpan, serve and enjoyyy!


This song always reminds me of drinkin'..

See the way she's holding the bottle, and near her mouth, too. It's not a bottle, it's a euphemism to get you to think champagne will get you blow jobs. That's some next level Mad Men level shit right there, sexy ad making me want champagne..

I can't really imagine any beverage/liquid more disgusting than the following, a bastard hybrid of Bud Light and Clamato juice. Apparently, Mexicans love it. I suddenly feel ill and/or racist.

"Plastic donut, can of spam.."


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