Sleep Olympics

Oh, man, if there was a competition in the olympics for sleeping, I would sign up most definitely. It's always been a hobby, but I think I could take it to the next level, and go pro. There would be different categories, who could fall asleep the fastest, long distance sleep (sleeping while consistently traveling), who can sleep the longest and the like. 

Though I don't remember many dreams, when I do, they are usually quite jarring. It's like memories are being tapped and fed through a weird lotto ball picking machine.. ball one: fettuccine. ball two: coal mining. ball three: falling down stairs. Mash them up, see what happens. 

Woah, okay, weird, like I said.

Ohh, so overly dramatic!  Is it just me or is there a not too subtle Cold War, Us. vs The Commies subtext to this ad? Sheesh. Although, one day I do hope to conquer nature, fight time and colonize gravity, so..

Washed Out is dope sleeping music. It's like a slow wave..

Scientists recently discovered that there is a type of caterpillar that eats tobacco and spits nicotine at it's predators. Cool stuff

Apparently, there are four stages in the sleep world. I'm a fan of stage three, the slow wave. Not to mention that it sounds like a form of music that has not been popularized and destroyed yet, slow wave sleep is initiated in the preoptic area and consists of delta activity. I am guessing those refer to areas of the brainage. Either that or there is a river behind my eyes that ends and deposits silt and gunk out through my nose? Anyway, this is where you're just about to slip away, off to dreamland, things happening around you don't seem to really bother you or matter at all. Why, one could say, a world of pure imagination..

Ah, yes, drugs. What were we talking about again? Oh, right, David Seltzer worked on the screenplay for Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, and later went on to write the screenplay for The Omen. Great double bill, by the way, with Gregory Peck and Gene Wilder, no less.

Ay-yuh, then there is REM. I'm faaading away.. I'm flying! Cookie police! Jaguar! Snap!


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