Wa-hoo! Gonna set the world on fire!

Well, hey, first day of work at my new job and already the world is being horribly affected by the tectonic shift that is me being employed. But, hey, it's always terrific to hear about flying body parts at a marathon, right? What a horrible thing to happen.
Heyy-yoo, here come those horrible thoughts, I can't help thinking, if some terrorist really wanted to scare people/piss people off, why not go after the Masters Tournament? You wanna see people get angry? Bomb a golf course mid play! You don't even have to kill anyone, just blow up a huge chunk of the course and watch people lose their shit! Totally a joke this, I respect the PGA and all it's patrons! No,no.. not the 9-iron, I'm sorry!
While today is a terrible day for them those people who got died and/or got hurt, it was a very good day for me. Selfish much? Started a new job, very excited, very motivated, I feels great.

So that's something to scream about..


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