…∆∆ WHIZZ CITY ∆∆…

Since the dawn of Man, we have been seeking a way to acceptably urinate in public..

That day has come, with the introduction of the most revolutionary, repulsionary interactive world of WHIZZ CITY™

Like most great ideas, the concept was spawned after a night of drinking spirits with friends. Merriment was had, shots were ingested, bladders were inflated. As we hopped between bars, an idea was posed for a video game in which the goal was to publicly micturate without getting caught. Naughty!

Here's what we have compiled so far:

As one of three choosable character, you start off in small-time Tinkle Town, move your way to the suburbs of Lavatoria and finally break bad in Whizz City!
Hit up a Filling Station, i.e. bar, cafe or club to max out your Bladd-O-Meter™ (patent pending), then explore the region's parks, streets, back-alleys, beaches, markets and more!
Each level will have a time limit and if you don't fully relieve yourself before the clock runs out.. well, you piss your pants and lose points (due to sheer embarrassment!) The faster you empty the meter, the more points you get.
But watch out, shooter! The police are everywhere and will bust you for public urination and you'll lose points, money and your self-respect. Also, various civilians will approach you and, if you're mid-leak you lose points. Trade your points in for dollars to spend at the various Filling Stations around the city.
I say, why hunt for a grimy public washroom? The world is one big shiny toilet, so piss away!  
Kickstarter funding is coming as soon as my lazy ass comes up with additional concept art. So far, I only have a crude stick figure peeing on a dog.  


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