Empty Pages (or the Holy Church of the Divide)

Speculators, di-vide! Under flags of earthly intoxication and blasphemy, we pursue the everlasting heights, spiteful of all false gods and forefathers.

The Holy Church of the Divide welcomes all to the fold of confusion and constant questions. Do not feel obliged to agree with what you have learned through your life or what you may or may not learn here. To question is to Divide.

Many books hold answers, but what are the questions? Why are we here. Is there a point in living. Do we even need a purpose or is the pursuit of purpose actually life? The purpose is the Divide; the division between us, man and woman, adult and child, human and beast. Every entity is different, scientifically and spiritually, hence the Divide.

Yet no one person can define life. What makes us similar also shows the disparity between all things. To agree or disagree, caring not for troubles and tri-bu-la-tions; it is a paradox, ultimately and indefinitely definitive.

If the purpose of many religions is to unite, what of the Divide? The Divide has no code of ethics, no rules of hypocrisy, no meetings or schedules. As it cannot be clear or murky, it naturally makes it quite difficult to actually pin down what the Divide is all about.

Empty pages are one day filled, generally with nonsense and propaganda. I cannot be a victim of such circumstances, hence I cannot lay one definition on the Divide, as to do such would render it impotent and defeat any purposefulness it may have. Sadly, the closest I can reach to definitivity is yet to come, or may never come. Such is the Holy Divide!


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