Mortal Coil

Death! The end of all our trails! Is it nigh? Perhaps...for some! After all, it's all around us!

"When do you fully realize that people actually die?" Hollywood seems obsessed with this question, from Stand By Me, River's Edge, Four Weddings and a goddamn Funeral, hell, any movie with a funeral, for that matter.

I haven't been to many funerals in my life, but people in movies sure do seem to end up in the graveyard a whole lot..

Which is what brings us to this messed-up gem from the mid-90's, Cemetary Man. It's Italian, crazy and features necrofilia and multiple undead boy scouts getting shot in the head, so... yeah, there's that. And tits. Award winning stuff, right there. 

Definitely NSFW in almost every way. Enjoy!  

Everything dies, Billy...everything!!

Sale at Harvey Nichols, guys!? Quick, everyone kill each other over a small piece of sushi and a pastel shirt! 

Of all the Springsteen songs about life & deaaaaath, Lost in the Flood is my go-to track.

Apparently, after Gram Parsons died, his father decided to have him buried,  against what was stated in his will.

So, his friends decided to get really high, and steal his body from the mortuary. And they took it to the desert and set it on fire, supposedly after visiting a few bars and parties with the body in tow, raving that it was what Gram had requested whilst he was still amongst the walking dead.

Now, for some odd reason, there was no law against desecration of a human corpse in New Mexico (not sure about the state, story fuzzy!) at the time, so they were let off and Mr. Parson's father buried the remains.

The Fall is by no means an excellent movie, but for 2:47, it is a masterpiece. Visually amazing, but its all style and zero substance, with lame, pappy heart string pulling and probably one of the most irritating children ever to appear in a film. 

Our minds have been bloown!


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