Vandals took the Handles

International vandalism news times, gang! Aaand here come the Visigoths, Romans!!

"A social media storm has erupted after a photo of “shameful” graffiti etched on a 3,500-year-old Egyptian relic by a Chinese boy was posted on the Internet.

A blogger called ”Kongyouwuyi” posted the photo on Weibo, China’s equivalent of Twitter, after noticing the  message “Ding Jinhao was here” while visiting Egypt.

“The sentence means Ding Jinhao has visited this place,” Kongyouwuyi wrote. “This was the saddest and most shameful moment I had in Egypt. I apologized to our local tour guide, who comforted me instead, saying this was not our fault, and that it should be the local guide’s responsibility to stop such behaviour.”

The photo of the graffiti was then shared over 90,000 times, leading angry internet users tracking down the vandal, exposing his name, age and where he attended school."

Full story here

Wow, so the blogger apologized on the behalf of his people and the tour guide was amazingly receptive, almost passive, regarding a young G's improper behaviour? Such couth..

Aaaand speaking of couth..

Hillbilly Heaven, what an appealing sounding bar, in Hamilton, one of Canada's more modern, progressive cities..

No surprise, their building has been horribly vandalized, some ne'er do well spray painted "Antifa Zone" which refers to anti-fascism.

"Stupid is as stupid does," Cameron Bailey, the bar's owner sez, reacting to the discovery. "Next time they vandalize it, I'd prefer they make it legible. I don't like it. I'm not going to let a bunch of media people, academics or hipsters intimidate me. If the Supreme Court of Canada tells me to take it down, I'll take it down. But other than that, never."

Helluva statement there, Cam! With Canada's anti-slavery records, it seems odd a bar would use this flag as a marketing tool, but, hey, as long as it's in French & English, we're cool.. wait, what? Guess the Quebecois version would be  "Pepsi Paradis"?

Even some intelligentsia from the University of Houston say it's a weird idea for a Canadian company to use such a bizarre marketing ploy. Lotta Canadian "Dukes of Hazzard" fans, maybe? You know you're pushing a few buttons when a Texan tells you you're out of line..


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