Deniable Plausability

Heyyy-yo, it's time for more random music time fun times. Fall is here, so why not kick loose.. 

Holy shit, this band Fuzz is total awesome sauce. Heavy as hell psych-garage rock, it's amaaaaazing and trippy and just so much fun. I gush over this record.

I've liked this band for a while, the French duo The Dø. This is a bit more electronic than their earlier stuff, but it's quite jolly and has a great church organ, chanty, Kate Bush-esque pop thing going on. Excellent on a nice pair of headphones.

Not much to say about this, other than it is amazing. But how modern is modern? 


Speaking of amazing, Bahamas is great new stuff. This is a great, chill song, nice for a patio or a hammock where a squirrel hits you in the balls with a walnut last Saturday.

Spooky, hard boiled stuff from Canada's own Timber Timbre. These guys do some many murder ballads, they should be arrested..for murder?

Great animated video from Whitest Boy Alive. Very tasty bass riff throughout, thoughts of sunshine through the leaves and wavy guitars reflecting light.

If you haven't herrrd, FKA twigs is the next big thing in la pop musica. Saw her live debut in town recently, and it was solid, she's got the look and can hit some very crazy high octaves. Not sure if computer involved, but it sounded great. Fantastically talented director Nabil, who's done some kick ass videos in the past few years. And some Kanye videos, too.

I don't understand why groups like AC/DC and U2 continue to release crappy albums, when they have perfectly bad-ass new acts such as Airborne, Monster Truck and Atlas Genius to basically carry the torch of rock and/or pop on into the future.


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