Cry Cry Cry!

Puppy PAC from docta draino on Vimeo.

Emotions. What to do about all those damn pesky human emotions!

I saw a woman crying on the way to work today. Not just like, allergy tears, she was full on bawling her eyes out.
But it was a tragic scene laced with bold emotion and beauty, as she was quite pretty, made me wonder what had happened to make her express herself like that, in public no less. It was quite a moving scene, I'm not sure if the crying made her more attractive or what but, it really rattled me, in more ways than one.
I felt some kind of obligation to comfort her, somehow, but its harder to be empathetic when you live in a city, she may have been completely insane or just forgot to take her anti-depressants to make it through her soul crushing job calling busy people to harass them to pay their damn phone bills (for the last time, fuck off, Rogers!)
I've seen people crying on their way home, hell, we've all had rough days; someone close died, we've been fired, been dumped (on my birthday?!) or just basically worn down to the core. Btw, if you've never been fired, you've never lived, it's a thrilling, scary and amazing experience. Talk about emotional! That delicious cocktail of feelings: One part greed, two parts regret, a splash of fear & bitterness, mix with ice, stir and serve. Fuckin' delicious! No bar could ever serve a drink so exhilarating! Try it out.

So many kinds of cryin'. Roy Orbison is the fuckin' cryin master. Always sounds on the brink of waterworks.

Even gorillas cry? When did that happen? 1994, that's when. And Koko promptly ate that kitten, off camera.

Korean people! They cry and then write terrible pop songs, just like us! And their crying is sponsored by a cell phone company. Go Fig.

Natives. They cry. And they have every right to do so.

Flight of the Conchords cry, so I assume all New Zealanders (let's just call them Zealanders, sounds like they're from another planet!) cry. And sing at the same time.

In that same area, Australians cry. But only when an animal they've made money off of dies.

I assume Cat Power cries a shitload! And waits. And hopes, as well. Pretty sure this is a Beatles cover, so.. maybe not?

Babs cries; Ray Charles does more heron.

Chris Isaak writes sad songs; Jennifer Rubin and a team of make-up artists make Chris Isaak (the actor) cry. Why would you lie like that, lady playing Jennifer Rubin!?

Jesus, that's a fuck-ton of crying, guys!
May as well begin where we started, Stephen Colbert is a genius at emoting. But his crying is, shit, it's like the best thing ever.

The War on Tater-Tots! from docta draino on Vimeo.

Hope you enjoyed all those tears; flowing, dribbling, cascading, snotty, bursting forth from your tear ducts like rancid Faygo at an Juggalo gathering.

There, there, don't cry..


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