Technical Jargon

The philosopher Condillac observed in 1782 that "every science requires a special language because every science has its own ideas." And jargon was born!

Jargon often referred to trade language used by people who spoke in different tongues to conduct business. Without it, many would not be able to conduct transactions and boost their own and others economies. Heyyy, jargon, thanks!

The power of language! The Power Lovers. Do they just straight-up love power? Are they powerful lovers? Do they love the power of their twin cam engine? Do they love electricity? Who knows, maybe the book answers all my questions, but I did not take the book from my neighbour's lawn, so I'll never know..

Without jargon, this kid probably wouldn't be smoking. Because the tobacco would have never been planted, picked and sold. No fuckin' way do all the people working on a tobacco plantation have the same mother tongue. Thanks, jargon, for getting this kid addicted to nicotine!

"Where did Chuck go?"
"He was a jerk, so I killed him and made him into a terrible generic sauce.."

Wow, road signs.. that's a whole 'nother bag of language worms altogether! Stop signs? Where/when/what do I stop? Do I stop breathing, stop eating red meat, stop staring at the sun at noon?! I neeeeed more information, damnit!

Ok, this one speaks louder than any words I could ever type. But thank the gods the USSR collapsed so this pop group could exist so we could laugh at and/or feel uncomfortably aroused.

Screamin' Jay Hawkins is an alien, speaking a foreign space language. That is all.


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